Customizing Shortbread vector tiles

Pirmin Kalberer @implgeo

State of the Map Europe 2024 Łódź

About me

Lazy mapper (55 changesets in 15 years)

FOSSGIS e.V. board (German OSM chapter)

GIS developer

  • Sourcepole, Switzerland
  • t-rex tile server -> BBOX

Shortbread schema


  • Created for Geofabrik by Thomas Skowron, Christine Karch, Amanda McCann and Michael Reichert
  • Experimental downloads by Geofabrik, Mapnik style
  • Versatiles maps with three styles (Unlicence/CC0)
  • Handed over to community (PSC) at Karlsruhe Hack Weekend 2/2024
  • vector tiles with minutely updates

Schema specification

Schema overview

  • Water
    • ocean, water_polygons, water_lines, water_lines_labels,…
  • Countries, States, Cities
    • boundaries, boundary_labels, place_labels
  • Land Use, Land Cover, Buildings
    • land, sites, buildings, addresses
  • Streets and Transport
    • streets, street_labels, bridges, aerialways, ferries, …
  • Points of interest
    • public_transport, pois

Shortbread styles

Versatiles Colorful

colorful, full featured map

Versatiles Graybeard

gray, full featured map

Versatiles Neutrino

light basemap


  • MapLibre GL
  • OpenLayers (ol-mapbox-style)
  • Leaflet (maplibre-gl-leaflet plugin)
  • (MVTLayer),

Tile creation workflows

PBF → Vector tiles

PBF → DB → Vector tiles

Tile storage

  • Files / S3
  • MBTiles + tile service
  • PMTiles
  • DB cache + tile service


  • Configs for OpenMapTiles and Shortbread schema
  • JSON configuration with Lua scripts
  • Output formats: MBTiles, PMTiles
  • No diff support

Shortbread with tilemaker

git clone
cd shortbread-tilemaker

# Download additional data (water polygons, etc.). Requires ogr2ogr!

# Download OSM extract
curl -sSfO --output-dir data

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/var/tm -w /var/tm versatiles/versatiles-tilemaker \
  tilemaker --config config.json --process process.lua \
            --input data/liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf --output data/shortbread.pmtiles


  • Configs for OpenMapTiles and Shortbread schema
  • YAML configuration or Java application
  • Output formats: MBTiles, PMTiles
  • No diff support
  • Extremely fast: Planet in 22m

Shortbread with Planetiler

docker run --rm --user=$UID -v $PWD/data:/data shortbread.yml \
  --download --area=liechtenstein --output=/data/shortbread.pmtiles


  • Flex mode: configuration with Lua scripts
  • Osm2pgsql Themepark with Shortbread config
  • osm2pgsql-gen for generalization in database
  • osm2pgsql-replication for incremental updates
  • Config generation for tile servers

Shortbread with osm2pgsql

git clone

# Start database
docker run -d --name postgis -p \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=osm -e POSTGRES_USER=osm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=osm postgis/postgis

# Download OSM extract
mkdir data
curl -sSfO --output-dir data

# Import OSM extract
docker run --rm --network=host -v $PWD/osm2pgsql-themepark:/osm2pgsql-themepark:ro -v $PWD/data:/data \
  -e LUA_PATH="/osm2pgsql-themepark/lua/?.lua;;" \
  -e PGHOST= -e PGUSER=osm -e PGPASSWORD=osm iboates/osm2pgsql:1.11.0 \
  osm2pgsql -d osm -S /osm2pgsql-themepark/config/shortbread_gen.lua -O flex --slim \

osm2pgsql generalization

# Download and import additional data (water polygons, etc.). Requires ogr2ogr!
PGHOST= PGUSER=osm PGPASSWORD=osm ./osm2pgsql-themepark/themes/external/ \
  data osm oceans ocean

# Generalize
docker run --rm --network=host -v $PWD/osm2pgsql-themepark:/osm2pgsql-themepark:ro \
  -e LUA_PATH="/osm2pgsql-themepark/lua/?.lua;;" \
  -e PGHOST= -e PGUSER=osm -e PGPASSWORD=osm iboates/osm2pgsql:1.11.0 \
   osm2pgsql-gen -d osm -S /osm2pgsql-themepark/config/shortbread_gen.lua

osm2pgsql updates

docker run --rm --network=host -v $PWD/osm2pgsql-themepark:/osm2pgsql-themepark:ro \
  -e LUA_PATH="/osm2pgsql-themepark/lua/?.lua;;" \
  -e PGHOST= -e PGUSER=osm -e PGPASSWORD=osm iboates/osm2pgsql:1.11.0 \
  osm2pgsql-replication update -d osm


  • Generate and serve vector tiles
  • OGC API services
  • Raster and vector tiles
  • PostGIS, MBTiles, PMTiles, S3
  • Non-Mercator tile grids
  • Successor of t-rex tile server

Serve shortbread tiles from PostGIS

  • Set local BBOX = true in shortbread_gen.lua
  • Change write_config('bbox-config.toml') to write_config('/data/bbox-config.toml') when running with Docker
  • Run osm2pgsql
  • Serve tiles on http://localhost:8080/xyz/
BBOX_DATASOURCE_DB=postgres://osm:osm@ bbox-tile-server -c data/bbox-config.toml serve


  • Generate and serve vector tiles
  • Data source: PostGIS
  • Caching tiles in PostgreSQL
  • Quickstart

Customize Shortbread

Use cases

  • Custom style
  • Additional POIs
  • Route relations
  • More tags for special objects
  • Additional tags for streets or buildings
  • Other / more languages


Mapbox / MapLibre GL JSON:

  "source": "birddata",
  "source-layer": "change_increase",
  "type": "circle",
  "paint": {
    "circle-radius": {
      "property": "code",
      "stops": [
        [1, 5],
        [2, 10],
        [3, 15]
    "circle-stroke-color": "#000000"

Style editor

Maputnik Editor (

Versatiles Styler


Extending Shortbread

  • tilemaker config (JSON, Lua)
  • Planetiler config (YAML, Java)
  • osm2pgsl config (Lua)

Tileset combinations

  • Extended base map tiles
    • No additional tiles
    • Can break base map styles
    • Selfhosting required
  • Additional tilesets
    • Additional tile source in style
    • No easy relation to base map tiles
    • Potential duplication of data

Server-side combination

  • Vector tiles can be concatenated by server
  • Requires a service
  • Not supported by all tile servers
  • Caching more difficult

Publish custom tiles

PMTiles, style and sprites

# Generate Shortbread tiles
docker run --rm --user=$UID -v $PWD/data:/data shortbread.yml \
  --download --area=liechtenstein --output=/data/shortbread.pmtiles
# Download Versatiles Styles + Assets
mkdir -p styles assets/sprites
wget -O - | tar xz -C styles
wget -O - | tar xz -C assets/sprites
# Replace tile source with PMTiles URL
jq '.sources."versatiles-shortbread".url="pmtiles:///shortbread.pmtiles" | del(.sources."versatiles-shortbread".tiles)' \
   styles/colorful.json > styles/colorful-pmtiles.json
# Make sprite URL relative
sed --in-place -e 's!!/assets/sprites!g' styles/*.json

Viewer HTML


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>MapLibre Viewer</title>
    <script src=''></script>
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' />
    <script src=""></script>
        body { margin: 0; }
        #map { height: 100vh; width: 100vw;}
    <div id="map"/>
      let protocol = new pmtiles.Protocol();
      maplibregl.addProtocol("pmtiles", protocol.tile);
      var map = new maplibregl.Map({
        container: 'map',
        style: 'styles/colorful-pmtiles.json'

Deploy and serve

# Upload to site supporting HTTP Range Requests

scp -r .

# Or deploy to a hosting provider like Github pages


MapLibre with Shortbread PMTiles.


  • Creating custom maps got much easier
  • Keep tiles small
  • Don’t break base map styles
  • Discuss core extensions in shortbread-docs repo
  • Mashups are cool again!

Thank you

Pirmin Kalberer